ProgramsAt HARVEST AMERICA we offer many training workshops and hands-on sessions.
MENU NUTRITIONAL LABELING: As is now required for all operators with 20 or more units, Harvest America will analyze your menus, determine required nutritional information, assist your staff in developing healthy alternatives, and train staff how to respond to consumer questions.
Harvest America offers nutritional analysis by calculation to meet the Restaurant Nutrition Menu Labeling requirement, Section 4205 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This information is required of all restaurant groups with 20 or more outlets.
Those individual restaurant operators can also benefit from this analysis as they focus on remaining competitive and providing sound consumer choices and information.
Our team of award winning chefs, culinary educators and registered dietitian will work with your chefs and managers in capturing this information and creating, where desired, healthy and flavorful alternatives that meet today's consumer demands.
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT: Bring your best team players together as HARVEST AMERICA facilitates a ideation session geared towards building your concept from the ground up.
MENU DEVELOPMENT: HARVEST AMERICA chefs will work with your culinary staff to design dishes, develop taste profiles, finalize recipes, facilitate tastings, develop plate designs, cost out and create selling prices.
SERVICE TRAINING: Our team at HARVEST AMERICA will certainly train your staff to be competent technical servers, but the real part of service is understanding your guest, anticipating their needs, developing systems to measure their reactions, and focus on solutions to insure customer loyalty - not just satisfaction.
COST CONTROLS: These sessions will focus on understanding how to plan, purchase, store, produce and serve your menu geared towards profitability.
COOKS TRAINING: Our HARVEST AMERICA chefs can design a hands-on program to fit the specific skill development needs of your staff.
TEAM BUILDING: Let HARVEST AMERICA work with your crew as we demonstrate how critical it is to work as a focused unit. Staff will learn how to understand and appreciate each other's differences, how to work with each other's strengths and weaknesses and how to stay on target with a common goal.
eLEARNING: Harvest America, in partnership with our eLearning Specialist can create dynamic, user-friendly, on-line programs to assist your chefs and managers with the provision of in-service training using modern technology.
"It marks a big step
in a person's development when he/she comes to realize that other people
can be called in to help do a better job than he/she can do alone." Andrew Carnegie